Friday, 11 October 2013

VFX Development - Schedule

As a part of our vfx module, we are required to have a full schedule that clearly demonstrates a broken down plan of pre-production, production, and post-production. This includes a schedule for brainstorms, mood boards, storyboard any vfx tests, filming and many post-productions tasks. Instead of listing them all out I have already devised a simple plan, that for me is easy to read and will even remind to make sure I get them done.

I am using an application called wunderlist. This is a very powerful task management tool, I am only showing a portion of the app but you also have the functionality to create projects, share them with other people, there is also a notepad for each task accompanied with sub-tasks. For me this format just feels perfect, I can order them by priority and star the most important.

I literally have a 'blog posts' task and in the sub-tasks when I have an idea for a blog post I just write it down, or if it's something to do with the development of my project. This app is available for my phone as well, so I can amend it literally anywhere I go.

On the image you can see that a few of my final tasks are not schedules out yet, that is because of this moment I am still figuring out when and where I can accomplish these. As for pre-production we are required to hand in and present all our work by the 29th of November, so this is already planned out and I believe there is ample time to complete each task I've set.

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